1. Check to see if you or any passengers with you were injured in the automobile accident. Do not hesitate to call “911” for medical help if anyone needs medical attention. If anyone is unconscious, it is best not to move them unless absolutely necessary as moving them could make their injuries worse. If you must move injured people, make sure to keep their head and neck supported the entire time.

2. Safely get out of the way of traffic. If your car does not work, turn on your warning lights or open your hood to warn other drivers in the area. Your safety is most important.

3. Call the police if the auto accident involves damage, injury or death.

4. Obtain information from the all other drivers and witnesses involved in the car accident, including:

Name:  ______________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________

City:  ________________________________________________________

Telephone Numbers (mobile, home, work):


Email: _____________________________________________________

Insurance Company:


Policy Number:


Coverage Limits (liability):


5. Obtain police officers information:

Name: _____________________________________________________

Badge Number:


City: _______________________________________________________

6. Write down the car accident information:

Date: _______________

Time:  ______________

Other car description:

Make:  ____________________________________

Model: ____________________________________

Year: _____________________________________

Color: _____________________________________

State: _____________________________________

Car License Plate Number: ____________________

7. Take pictures of everything involved in the car accident, as long as it can be done safely.  These pictures should include each car driver, each automobile in the car accident showing any property damage, skid marks, any other damage to property, as well as the location of the automobile accident.  The more pictures the better.  When in doubt, take pictures.  It is a good idea to keep a disposable camera in your glove compartment or trunk.  If there are no other cameras available, then you should use a cell phone camera.  Pictures may help your automobile insurance company determine how much you should be paid for your injuries.

8. Schedule an appointment with your doctor. Sometimes there are injuries right after an accident takes place, but many people who are injured do not realize it right after an accident.  Therefore, it is always wise to see your doctor to make sure that you are ok.

9. Before speaking to the insurance company, make sure to consult an experienced auto accident attorney. Many times the insurance companies will try to settle for less than you deserve, especially when injuries are involved. It is a great idea to find out all of your options with a FREE telephone or office consultation from Former Insurance Company Automobile Accident Attorney Michael Pines to discuss your legal rights.

10. Create an auto accident diagram. This guide might help.

Accident Diagram

Call us now or click here for a FREE CONSULTATION with an experienced automobile accident attorney as to how we may help you at 1-858-551-2090.  We look forward to providing good advice to help you make smart decisions about your case in either English or Spanish.